遇到小人要如何化解? 其实要防小人也不难,只要先调整自己的心态,能做到谨守正道、不为物转、凡事包容、谦冲致和的话,小人自然无法接近你,以下方法可以用来防小人,你也可以试试看: 1. 生肖化解
1990 (MCMXC) was a common year starting on Monday of the Gregorian calendar, the 1990th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 990th year of the 2nd millennium, the 90th year of the 20th century, and the 1st year of the 1990s decade. Important events of 1990 include the。 See more
床頭靠窗,是不少人喜愛的居家佈置,但風水學上卻有「漏財犯小人」的疑慮。 想要睡得更安穩舒適,不妨試試以下方法:使用窗簾遮擋,讓臥室空間氛圍更柔和,同時阻隔外界的干擾;在床頭後方增設矮櫃與窗戶保持距離,提升收納機。
赶小人方法 - 1990 -